domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010
sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010
viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010
Writer's Meme [I]
miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010
Mexico and its causes
- What movement or concept did you choose?
I chose causes of women’s rights.
- Why? What is its relevance?
It is important to know why do we have right now some privileges, and also the ones that we don’t, because of the different contexts in Mexican society and all the obstacles, which have been faced.
- After visiting the exhibition, what did you learn about the causes of this movement/concept?
What I learnt was that women have fought really hard to defend their rights, even thought the impossibilities of the time. Always with the objective of establishing equal human treatment; and obtaining the recognition of our capacities.
- Explain the current national situation of this movement/concept. Is it very different from it’s the original point?
But, our rights have been recognised internationally, even being protected by diverse organisations. But there are certain situations, in which they are simply forgotten, for example, sexual crimes, unjustified arrests, assassinations, etc. In some way, justice is having difficulties when applied, because of corruption and indifference towards these problems.
- How was your opinion on the movement/concept influenced by this exhibition? Did it change after the visit?
I have always thought that we have the ability to make our own decisions and exercise our rights. And in this exhibition, with incredible masterpieces, especially photographic, is represented, all the way through the support for this cause. My opinion didn’t change; on the other hand, it was strengthen.
- Write a small review of the exhibition. (100 words)
We are about to celebrate the centenary of Mexican Revolution and the bicentenary of Mexican Independence, so it’s a good excuse to transform ourselves into adventurers and explore the depths of history.
There is a great opportunity at Museo del Estanquillo, work of Carlos Monsiváis after 30 years collecting objects, such as photographs, models, cartoons, etc.
The exhibition “Mexico a través de las causas” shows us in a particular way, the reasons that helped to begin different social and political movements. It is very recommendable, and if you have time, you should take a break and visit the Historical Center.